Combine Academy, is a company founded, innovated, and incubated by JB Fitzgerald Venture Capital. Headquartered in Charlotte, NC on 43 beautiful acres, Combine Academy is a non-traditional private boarding High School/Prep School which offers a full college preparatory curriculum that is both accredited and proven for success. Quickly expanding, Combine Academy has become a Globally recognized name in Education and Athletics as a sport specific institution with an enrollment of students from over 35+ countries and 40+ states. Combine Academy has 6 campuses nationwide in each of the following United States cities: Charlotte, NC (Headquarters); Atlanta, GA; Orlando, FL; Nashville, TN; Chicago, IL; Evansville, IN.
270 Car Farm Rd.
Lincolnton, NC 28092
+1 704-909-0709
60 South 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249
+1 704-909-0709